Apart from creating my own photobooks (which you can see here), I also do books with and for other people. The collaboration can take any kind of shape. Sometimes people approach me with a (photographic or not) work in a very raw form and then we go through the whole process of turning it into a book together. Sometimes I only do the bookbinding (I studied bookbinding with Cristina Balbiano d’Aramengo in Milano, Italy), sometimes I do the layout, sometimes I come up with a concept for the book as an object, it happens that I do get involved in the production of the content as well and I also do the printing of books. I enjoy all parts of the process in any kind of combination. And I what I know about the process, I do like to pass it on. It’s great to get the authors involved in the production process. This is why I enjoy teaching workshops too.

Below is a little overview of books that I have been involved with, click on each example to see more of the book and get to know about the production process.

As I am in the process of building this homepage, I will be slowly adding more examples.


Eric Ahrens’ third book.

long-stitch artist's book

An assignment for the painter Mira Wunderer.

This Is not an Atlas

A global collection of counter-cartographies.